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Bengaluru running out of water

As summer sets in cities are staring at the prospect of facing water shortage. This is currently most evident in Bengaluru, one of the most water-scarce cities in India. The Karnataka capital has facing supply disruptions for days, forcing residents to depend on tankers for their water needs. But as demand sore, the water takers have also become expensive, with prices ranging well over Rs 2,000 per tank. Bengaluru requires upwards of 2050 million liters per day (MLD), out of which, 1450 MLD is secured through Cauvery water and the rest through borewells. With the rainy season still four months away and water reserves having depleted alarmingly, the situation is only expected to worsen, before it improves. As the water shortage continues, residents are being forced to ration it and reduce wastage. "People buying a house in Bengaluru should insist on a water contract with the builder/BBMP. At any time, the builder/BBMP has to supply water for the next 99 years. Otherwise, there is no point in buying expensive homes," Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy, a senior interventional cardiologist at Kauvery Hospital in Marathahalli, said. He also suggested that citizens with existing homes should stop paying property taxes unless the government can supply adequate water.

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