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Govt admits multiple side-effects of coronavirus vaccines in RTI reply

In a shocking revalation about the Government's two top watchdogs have admitted to `multiple side-effects` of Covid-19 vaccines that were administered to over a billion Indians in the past more than two years. The shocking revelations of `multiple side-effects` of the coronavirus vaccine were made by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) when they replied to an RTI filed by Pune businessman Prafful Sarda. India has permitted AstraZenaca and Serum Institute of India, Pune`s `Covishield` and SII`s own `Covovax`; vaccines of three Hyderabad-based companies -- the government-run Bharat Biotech Ltd.`s `Covaxin`, Dr. Reddy`s Lab imported `Sputnik V`, Biological E. Ltd.`s `CorBEvax`, and later, Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Ahmedabad`s `ZyCov-D` only for teenagers (12-17 age), reported IANS. In a specific query by Sarda on the side-effects of all these jabs, the ICMR`s PIO Dr. Leyanna Susan George and CDSCO`s PIO Sushanta Sarkar, have cited a plethora of ramifications arising out of all these vaccines comprising their FAQs. Covishield side-effects According to a report by IANS, Covishield takes the lion`s share of its after-effects on the jabbed masses -- injection site tenderness or pain, multiple red spots or bruises beyond the injected site, persistent vomiting without reasons, severe or persistent abdominal pains or headaches with or without vomiting, shortness of breath, chest pains, pain in limbs or swelling on pressing of calf/arms, weakness/paralysis of limbs of any particular side or parts of the body, including cranial nerves, unprecedented seizures, pain in eyes, blurred vision or diplopia, change in mental status, encephalopathy or depressed level of consciousness. Side-effects of Covid-19 vaccines Covovax side-effects are injection site pain/tenderness/induration, fatigue, malaise, headaches, fever, soreness of muscles, joint pains, nausea or vomiting, chills, body-ache or extreme pain in limbs, Asthenia (weakness or lack of energy), Injection site pruritus (itching, rash, red skin, hives), enlarged lymph nodes, back pains, and rarely dizziness or drowsiness, reported IANS Covaxin displays mild symptoms AEFIs like injection site pain/swelling, headaches, fatigue, fever, bodyache, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, giddiness, tremors, sweating, cold and cough. Sputnik V manifests with chills, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, asthenia, headaches, general discomfort, injection site pain/swelling/hyperaemia, or nausea, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, or occasional enlarged regional lymph nodes. CorBEvax shows effects like fever/pyrexia, headaches, fatigue, body pains, myalgia, nausea, or arthralgia, urticaria, chills, lethargy, besides injection site pain/erythema, swelling, rash, pruritis or irritation. "The replies by ICMR-CDSCO are blatantly shocking. Though the government has declared that "vaccination is totally voluntary", why was the compulsion created indirectly by barring people from travelling in buses, trains, flights, inter-state movements, going out to hotels, restaurants, multiplexes, malls, etc. This trapped more and more panicked people into getting themselves jabbed without knowing the after-effects," Sarda told IANS.

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