Celebrities and controversies walk hand-in-hand. In another such incident, Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi and his wife Maria Goretti Warsi have been nabbed by the Securities and exchange board of India from buying, selling or dealing in securities in a case of share manipulation of Sadhna Broadcast. The couple alongside YouTuber Manish Mishra have been banned for uploading misleading videos on YouTube where they influenced investors to buy shares, inflating its price and later dumping it. The gains that all accused made between April 27 to September 30 last year are now to be impounded and retained by SEBI. “According to SEBI, Arshad Warsi has made a profit of Rs 29.43 lakh, his wife Rs 37.56 lakh, YouTuber Manish Mishra Rs 14.46 lakh, promoter Gaurav Gupta made Rs 7.6 crore, Shreya Gupta Rs 2.18 crore, Pooja Agrawal Rs 1.47 crore and Varun Media Rs 1.11 crore along with other people”, reports Financial Express.