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AI-powered tools, deepfakes pose challenge of misinformation before millions of Internet users in India

New Delhi, Pratyush Ranjan, Mar 19: Artificial intelligence, deepfakes and social media… little understood by laypersons, the combo of three poses a mystifying hurdle for millions of Internet users caught in the everyday battle of trying to filter the real from the fake. The battle against misinformation was always challenging and has become much more so since developments in AI-powered tools have made detecting deepfakes on multiple social media platforms more difficult. The unintended ability of AI to create fake news – faster than stopping it – has worrying consequences. “In India’s fast-changing information ecosystem, deepfakes have emerged as a new frontier of disinformation, making it difficult for people to distinguish between false and truthful info,” Syed Nazakat, founder and CEO of DataLEADS, a digital media group building information literacy and infodemic management initiatives, told PTI. India is already fighting a flood of misinformation in different Indic languages. This will worsen with different AI bots and tools driving deepfakes over the Internet.

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